Simple Pricing! Great Value!

The goal of our pricing is to see your business grow!
Monthly Plan
5,000/ Monthly
  • Powerful vending platform at the fraction of the cost
  • 20+ Products Available
  • 5+ Payment Processors
  • 10+ Vendors
  • 30 days Free
Annual Plan
50,000/ Year
  • The complete solution at a 20% discount per year
  • 20+ Products Available
  • 5+ Payment Processors
  • 10+ Vendors
  • 30 days Free
Enterprise Plan
250,000/ Year
  • Great enterprise solution for full-blown system
  • Outbound API
  • 20+ Products Available
  • 5+ Payment Processors
  • 10+ Vendors
  • 30 days Free

All applications are subject to approval. The service does not include a front-page or blog content whatsoever


When will I make payments?
If your application is accepted and your vending platform goes live, you will be required to make payments before your 30 days free trial ends.

User Account