Exciting Updates - Vendor Discount, SMS Delivery Report, SMS Scheduling, and many more

We are very excited to inform you of some interesting updates that we have added to the VendApp platform. We have been working to make sure that VendApp delivers on its promise to help build a business that generates a steady stream of income.

Here are a few of them: 

  1. Automatic Reseller Price on SmartSMSSolutions: Once you connect your SmartSMSSolutions API token to your VendApp, your pricing on SmartSMSSolutions will be automatically set to Tier 4 pricing and all your airtime and data vending is at 2.5%. It is instant.
  2. Schedule Feature on SMS: The scheduling feature on the send SMS page is now fully functional. Your clients can now schedule messages for future delivery, view and manage their scheduled messages on the Scheduled Messages page and view the status of the delivery.
  3. SMS Billing Error Fixed: An error that affects SMS billing has also been fixed. This ensures that your clients are properly billed for messages sent via your platform.
  4. SMS Delivery Report: When your clients send messages, the delivery report is now automatically updated on the SMS history page. This gives your clients the feedback needed to confirm the delivery of their messages.

We are very confident that these improvements will provide the extra boost needed to support your business. If you would like to have more information about the VendApp, kindly contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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