API Endpoints are Now Live!

We are very happy to inform you that API endpoints are now available to you. This is great news as your clients can now connect to your products and services via the API. Your clients will be able to integrate your products into their web, mobile, cloud, and standalone apps.

API Token

Your clients will need to generate API tokens to access the endpoints. This can be done at https://your_base_url/dev-access-token. The security of the API token can be improved by restricting the API IP addresses of your client’s web servers. 

API Documentation

The API documentation can be accessed at https://vendapp.ng/docs. The API is written in such a way that you can direct your clients to the documentation directly or you can use it to develop your own.

We are very confident that this feature will improve the quality of your services and provide the needed room to improve your revenue. Should you need additional information, please feel free to contact us.

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