Set Up Your SMS Pricing to Start Making Money Through SMS

If you have been able to set up at least one vendor for the SMS product, it is now time for you to set up the pricing. Your pricing setup will generally reflect your cost price and your margin. If you have other pricing strategies, you can set them accordingly.

The moment your platform is set up, one SMS pricing plan is automatically generated for you. You can find this at Admin SMS -> SMS Pricing/Routing. To set your pricing, kindly follow the steps below.

How to Set the SMS Prices

  1. On the Manage SMS Pricing/Routing page, click on the Edit Pricing for the pricing group you’ll like to edit.
  2. A page similar to the one below will be presented to you.
  3. Fill in the prices you would like to sell and select the vendor you would like to use to deliver the messages
  4. Once you are done click on Update to save the changes



Set the Default SMS Pricing

After the pricing has been set, you will need to set the default SMS Pricing/Routing that will be used when a unique pricing is not set for the user. You can do this by followig these steps

  1. Visit the Domain Settings page. This can be accessed at Admin Console -> Domain Settings
  2. Scroll to the option for Default SMS Pricing/Routing
  3. Select the Pricing group you would like to be the default pricing
  4. Click on Save Changes at bottom of the page to save your changes

You are now set to start selling SMS from your platform.



Additional Settings On SMS Pricing/Routing Page

You can manage the title and the description of each of the pricing groups on the SMS Pricing/Routing page. You can do this with the following steps.

  1. Click on the Edit Group button
  2. Make the needed changes to the Group Name and the Group Comment fields.
  3. The Group Name can be used to give the pricing group a better-defined name while the Group Comment can be used to provide additional information about the pricing group
  4. Click on Edit Route to save the changes



We cannot wait to see you start to make money through your vending platform. Should require any assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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