How to Connect Your Vending Platform with SmartSMSSolutions

Once your platform looks and feel has been adequately updated, the next point of call is to start connecting your vendors. One of the first vendors you might want to connect with is SmartSMSSolutions. SmartSMSSolutions offers a wide array of products you can decide to include in your platform.

How to Generate SmartSMSSolutions API Tokens

To connect your SmartSMSSolutions account, you will need to have an API token. You can follow the steps below to generate an API token. If you have your API token already, you can skip the steps below.

  1. Create an account on SmartSMSSolutions, if you have not done. This tutorial provides a detailed step of how to create a free account SmartSMSSolutions.
  2. Complete the KYC form. This is to help us to get to know you better and fulfill part of our regulatory obligations. You can complete the KYC process at
  3. After the KYC process has been approved, generate the API token at

Integrate the SmartSMSSolutions Token into Your Vending Platform

To integrate your SmartSMSSolutions token into your vending platform, kindly follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your vending platform using your Admin credentials
  2. Visit Admin Console -> Domain Vendors
  3. Look out for SmartSMSSolutions in the list of the vendors
  4. Copy and paste your SmartSMSSolutions token in the space provided
  5. Click on Update to save your changes

With this, your vending is now connected to your SmartSMSSolutions account. Should require any assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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