Set Up Your SMS Pricing to Start Making Money Through SMS

If you have been able to set up at least one vendor for the SMS product, it is now time for you to set up the pricing. Your pricing setup will generally reflect your cost price and your margin. If you have other pricing strategies, you can set them accordingly.

How to Connect Your Vending Platform with SmartSMSSolutions

Once your platform looks and feel has been adequately updated, the next point of call is to start connecting your vendors. One of the first vendors you might want to connect with is SmartSMSSolutions. SmartSMSSolutions offers a wide array of products you can decide to include in your platform.

How to Manage Your Vending Platform Logo

By now, your business should have a logo. If not, it is time to start thinking of one. Your logo is a symbol, graphic mark, or emblem that identifies your company, your vending platform, or your products and services. It should be simple and easily identifiable. This article details the steps to change and customize your logo.

How to Access Your Account on Your New VendApp Platform

Your subdomain is the first gateway to your vending portal. Upon successful account set up, you will be mailed the details of your new domain.


User Account